Matter is the Matrix and the carrier of the Grain of the Spirit, Laya centers and the Higher Will, the Santana of Eternity and True Love, The Fabric of Light and the Potentiality of the Nature of the Mind, inner space and the birth of the Seven, the Spirit as the smelter of Matter, Aditi and the Fiery Substance, the Atom of the Universe and psychic Life, the Fabric of Light and the retina of the Eye, the Dukkar Umbrella and the spread of the Teaching, the essence of the three properties of the Logos and much more

The final seminar of the season! For all those who study and are interested in the Theosophical works of H. P. Blavatsky!


Primordial Substance and unconditional Love, Matripadma and susceptibility to fohatic typos, the Power of the Cause and the Grain of the Spirit, Anima Mundi and aspects of Undifferentiated Matter, the overthrow of the Ray as three into four, the Pythagorean Triangle and the structure of the Universe, the Fourth state of the Embryo as the Aura body of the Universe and the Future Heart, Adam Kadmon and Sevenfold, Ein Sof and overcoming Emptiness, Symbols and mystery, Knowledge of the Highest Truth, the Highest Astral Light, Mind and Heart of God etc.

Online study class

A study of the 2nd Stanza, the 1nd Sloka of the Secret Doctrine by HPB.

For all those who study and are interested in the Theosophical works of H. P. Blavatsky!

White Lotus

Live broadcast from Nizhny Novgorod - the Winner city of the VI International Theosophical Congress on November 26-27, 2022