ОНЛАЙН Семинар по теософии

Dear friends!
We invite you to an ONLINE Seminar on theosophy with the participation of Russian and foreign Theosophists on June 14 at 11 am (Moscow time).

Закон перевоплощений

On 31.05.2020, the Theosophical Online Seminar on the topic "the Law of reincarnation was held with participation of foreign and Russian Theosophists and with simultaneous translation into Russian and English.


Fragments of video recordings, questions and answers are collected from various Theosophical Seminars of The school of theosophy in Moscow (Lodge "adamant", Theosophical society of Russia).


Dear friends!

We invite you to an ONLINE Seminar on theosophy with the participation of Russian and foreign Theosophists
on may 31 at 11 o'clock. AMC (Moscow time).


08.05.2020 an OPEN SCHOOL of THEOSOPHY was held for the day of memory of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.
For the first time, Russian and foreign Theosophists gathered on a single online platform, on the day of the White lotus.


White Lotus Day. Favorite song of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky - “Nochka” - performed by Sergey Lemeshev.