Ulanov Mergen Sanjievich

Ulanov Mergen Sanjievich, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies of Kalmyk State University (Russia, Kalmykia. G. Elista).

Mergen Sanjievich graduated from Kalmyk State University with a degree in history, full–time postgraduate studies at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, where he defended his PhD thesis on "Buddhism in the history of Russian philosophical thought of the late XIX - first half of the XX centuries."

In 2010. at the Southern Federal University he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Buddhism in the socio-cultural space of Russia (socio-philosophical analysis)". He is a member of the Russian Philosophical Society and the Russian Sociological Society named after M.M. Kovalevsky, author (and co-author) of more than 200 scientific publications on religious studies, including 10 monographs.