Gnezdilov Andrey Vladimirovich

Gnezdilov Andrey Vladimirovich (1940-2022) - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Psychiatry of the St. Petersburg Medical Academy, Scientific Director of the Gerontology Department, Honorary Doctor of the University of Essex (Great Britain), Chairman of the Association of Oncopsychologists of Russia, Professor of the I.I. Mechnikov Northwestern State Medical University, expert in assessing existential and terminal factors of the Clinic's disease community-based psychotherapy and rehabilitation of the V.M. National Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Neurology. Bekhtereva, consultant of hospice No. 1 "Lakhta" (Russia.Saint Petersburg).

Andrey Vladimirovich Gnezdilov (Dr. Balu) is a St. Petersburg psychiatrist born in 1940 in Leningrad. In 1963 he graduated from the Leningrad Pediatric Institute. After his residency, he retrained as a psychiatrist. He worked at the Bekhterev Psychoneurological Institute as a chief researcher, and from 1973 to 1983 at the Oncological Institute. In 1976 he defended his PhD thesis, and in 1996 he defended his doctoral thesis. In 1990, he created and headed a hospice in the Primorsky district of Lakhta in St. Petersburg.

Andrey Vladimirovich is an ascetic and public figure, a tireless researcher and a "generator" of new methods in psychotherapy: fairy tale therapy, image therapy, bell ringing therapy. Author of many articles and publications, as well as several dozen scientific and popular books. Andrey Vladimirovich Gnezdilov's books are a real literary treasure.