Potential Power and future builders of Manvantara, Pralaya and Transmutation, Assimilation and Eternity, Space in Absoluteness and the first Impulse, the triple key of Maya and the movement of Light, Silence, Sound, Hearing and Word, Full Reflection and Absolute Wisdom, A Single Element, Akasha, Ether and Fohat, Matripadma and Sephiroth, Aura The universe and man, the heavenly wanderer and Sevenfold, the true Brotherhood and the radiance of Truth, and many others.

Online study class

A study of the 2nd Stanza, the 4th Sloka of the Secret Doctrine by HPB.

With the support of Foundation of socially significant and educational activities development "THEOSOPHY". For all those who study and are interested in the Theosophical works of H. P. Blavatsky!

Online study class

A study of the 2nd Stanza, the 3rd Sloka of the Secret Doctrine by HPB.


Time and differentiation, numbers and symbols, the individual form and thought of the Teacher, SAT and Absolute Being, carrier and upadhi of Divine Thought, immaculate conception and the essence of awakening consciousness, mystery and knowledge, awareness of humanity and true Brotherhood, mental breathing and the art of reflection, the true form of the body and the highest triad, sevenfold and the point of synthesis and many others.

With the support of Foundation of socially significant and educational activities development "THEOSOPHY". For all those who study and are interested in the Theosophical works of H. P. Blavatsky!