Famous Russian tibetologist

V. S. Dylykova is preparing to print a third book in the series "Kalachakra Tantra". With your support in any amount you can contribute to the development of modern science. Follow the link for all project details and support options.


Vilena Sanjeevna


Translated from the Tibetan three texts of the Kalachakra teachings are directly related to astronomy, physics, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, astrology,

and other ancient sciences. The forthcoming third book, as well as the previous two in the “Kalachakra Tantra” series, is addressed to all those who seek to expand consciousness, comprehend the past and future paths of humanity, and synthesize

a religious-mystical, philosophical and scientific approach

to the knowledge of the World.

The main task of the series is to provide translations of all the sacred Buddhist texts of the Kalachakra teachings from the Tibetan Canon – a huge, 362-volume collection of ancient religious and philosophical works.


In the first book

translations of the treatise «Tantra, called "The Core of the Brilliant Kalachakra Tantra"», as well as the 1st chapter of the treatise «The Brilliant Kalachakra Tantra, dedicated to the appearance of the ADI-Buddha, or Original Buddha" are given. Both texts have a literal translation and a transcript.


Презентация книги «Калачакра Тантра»

      Presentation of the first book «Kalachakra Tantra»  at the II International Theosophical Congress

In the second book

a literal translation of another treatise - «Tantra, called "The Essence of the later version of the Brilliant Kalachakra Tantra"» is published.

Презентация книги «Калачакра Тантра»

   Presentation of the second book «Kalachakra Tantra» at the III International Theosophical Congress

In the new, third book a translation-transcript of the same work -

«Tantra, called "The Essence of the later version of the Brilliant Kalachakra Tantra"» will be published.



The translation will be accompanied by a detailed Preface, in which Vilena Sanjeevna will tell about the technique of deciphering Tibetan texts and

by a reference section – a Glossary of Buddhist and astrological-astronomical Tibetan terms.


The book is dedicated to the outstanding religious and public figure of our time, the Dalai Lama XIV (Tenzin Gyatso), who gave his blessing to the publication of the «Kalachakra Tantra» series.

Presentation of the third book «Kalachakra Tantra» by the guest of Honor

V. S. Dylykova-Parfionovich and the first demonstration of the publication

will be held at the IV International Theosophical Congress in Voronezh

(November 21-22, 2020)

Learn more about the event


Foundation of socially significant and educational activities development "THEOSOPHY"