The International Research Center named after H.P. Blavatsky presents Online Study Class, with the support of Foundation of socially significant and educational activities development "THEOSOPHY" - Study of the III Stanza, the IV Sloka «Then the three fall into the four. The radiant essence becomes seven inside, seven outside. The luminous egg, which in itself is three, curdles and spreads in milk-white curds throughout the depths of mother, the root that grows in the depths of the ocean of life». All key concepts: The Triad and the inner basis of the core of the Spirit, the Quaternary and the vestment of the form of the inner state, the Radiant substance and the symbol of the Number 3, the Ethereal substance and the Sparks of the Mind, The Atom and Atman of the lower Prakriti, the Ether and the 7 principle of Astral Light, the Fiery Mist and the 14 jewels, the Antahkarana and the causal body, the Mind of God and Intuition, the Milky Way and Primordial Matter, and many others. Answers to questions live.

The visual presentation will allow you to familiarize yourself with the system and method of studying the Secret Doctrine.


The next meeting will be held on October 12 at 06 pm (Moscow time) with simultaneous translation into English and Russian.

It's easy to be together!

Dear friends, we really need your support. To cover the costs of organizing online broadcasts on the Zoom platform with simultaneous translation, we ask you to donate any amount. Thank you for your help in the development of Theosophy!
