Yary Vladimir Vasilievich, Member of TO (Adyar), head of the Moscow School of Theosophy (Moscow). "Occult Philosophy."

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Shaburnikova Evgenia Mikhailovna, Member of TO (Adyar), Lodge of TO “Adamant” (Moscow). "Method and Aspects of the Comparative Analysis of Science, Religion, Philosophy and Culture."

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Ritva Lappi Helena, Member of TO (Adyar) of the Customs Union of Finland "Blavatsky Lodge" (Helsinki). "History of the Lodge of the Blavatian Theosophical Society of Finland."

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Roshchupkin Sergey Pavlovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor "Higher Engineering Physics School" SPbPU Peter the Great (St. Petersburg). “Integration of Modern Quantum and Esoteric Concepts”

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Lebedev Yan Vladimirovich, Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). “Objectification of Spiritual Practices”

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Kolganov Sergey Vitalievich, Candidate of Philosophy, Department of Moscow Aviation Institute (Moscow). “Texts of the Doctrine and Eastern Doctrines about the Nature of the Mind”

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Khmurkin Georgiy Georgievich, Researcher of the history of medieval Indian mathematics, author of 30 articles, 4 books (Moscow), "Sanskrit Terminology in The Secret Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky"

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Frantsuzov Sergey Alekseevich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg). “I.A. Efremov: the Hard Way to Comprehend the Secret Doctrine”

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Kepp Maria Vadimovna, Astrologer, Astrological Academy named after S.V. Shestopalova (Saint Petersburg). "Principles and Methods of Karmic Astrology."

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Verkina Svetlana Alekseevna, Writer - researcher, Member of the Russian Union of Writers “The Formation of the Theosophical Worldview in Society” (St. Petersburg).

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Mashikhin Yuri Pavlovich, Scientist - researcher, (Uzhhorod, Ukraine). "Science, Philosophy and Religion in a Theological Aspect."

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Galechyan Valery Abgarovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences, (Moscow). "Visualization of the Doctrine of Blavatsky EP"

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Holstein Julius Lvovich. The writer is a metaphysician, a member of the Union of Writers of Russia (Tallinn, Estonia). "Being and Symbols of Man in a Comparative Analysis of Religion and Philosophy."

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Shirokikh Petr Dmitrievich, Research Center "Orion" "(Moscow). “The Age of Femininity”

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